International Teachers Day Conference 2024



Building a Resilient Education Ecosystem

Welcome to The Official Website of the Teachers’ Day Conference 2024. It will be held on the 8th & 9th October 2024. TDC 2024 is intended to provide a platform for teachers to share and discuss innovative practices to improve the performance of students and the quality of education.

Important Dates

6 May 2024


6 July 2024


24 August 2024


14 September 2024


8 and 9 October 2024


15 October 2024


Topics of Interest

The scope of the Conference sub-themes will cover all stages of education in the area of:

Empowering Learners for the Future

  • Digital Literacy and AI
  • Personalised Learning and Differentiated Instruction
  • Cultivating Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills
  • Building Resilience and Emotional Intelligence in Students
  • Fostering Creativity and Innovation in Education
  • MIB as a Way of Life

Innovating Education Ecosystem

  • Curriculum, Research and Development
  • Pedagogy
  • Assessment
  • Integrating Technology for Effective Teaching and Learning
  • Blended Learning and Flipped Learning
  • Gamification and Game-Based Learning
  • Augmented and Virtual Reality in Education
  • AI and Machine Learning
  • Using AI to Teach
  • Early Childhood and Care Education
  • Special Education
  • Gifted Education
  • Psychology in Teaching and Learning
  • Entrepreneurship Education
  • STEAM Education and Skills
  • Green Education
  • Technical and Vocational Education

Developing Human Resources

  • Professional Development for Teachers
  • Mentoring and Coaching for Teacher Growth
  • Teacher Well-being and Work-Life Balance
  • Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Education
  • Lifelong Learning

Teachers Day Conference 2024

Keynote and Plenary Speaker

Lynn Gribble

Keynote Speaker

Keynote Title : Beyond the Hype: Making AI Work for You

Nationally and internationally recognised for her thought leadership in AI teaching and learning and digital innovation practices, which have won multiple awards. With community at heart, she created and co-leads the AI Community of Practice to disseminate, collaborate and advocate the use of AI in education practices at UNSW. An early adopter, adapter and authoritative voice in AI, she led the terms of reference responses for the Australasian Academic Integrity Network's submission to Parliament on the impacts of Artificial Intelligence in Education (2023) and also presented evidence to the Parliamentary enquiry of the same. She has published several chapters on designing teaching and assessment in the face of rapidly developing Artificial Intelligence, published in multiple Q1 journals, and invited to present internationally.

With digital in her blood, her early involvement in online learning saw her co-lead the largest Community of Practice (Digital Online Learning and Innovation 2020- 2023) and pioneered voice feedback (2011) and the use of technology in grading and feedback (from 2014).As an Education Focused Fellow (2020 – 2022) she has co-led investigations into university wide feedback and assessment practices resulting in education resources for academic development ultimately to enhance the student experience. She has supervised eight doctoral completions (7 as sole supervisor). In addition, Lynn’s teaching excellence is held in high esteem internationally (Senior Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy, 2020), gaining the Australian Awards for University Teaching Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning (2020) and the Vice Chancellor's Award for Teaching Excellence (2011) as well as numerous faculty awards (2023 - Responsible Management Education Award, 2019 - School of Management Teaching Excellence for large course teaching, 2014 - Outstanding Technology Enabled Teaching Innovation Award, 2011- Teaching Excellence Award for the Masters of Business and Technology, MBAx). Recognised as an early technology adopter, she earned the Turnitin Global Innovation Award (2019 Australia and NZ). Her contributions extend more broadly into the academic community as recognised by being awarded the 2023 ASCILITE Community Fellow in recognition of her contribution, leadership, development and community building encouraging and supporting the use of technologies for Teaching and Learning. She is also a certified member of the Association for Learning Technology (CMALT). She holds an executive position on the ASCILITE Business Education Special Interest Group.

Dr Abdul Nasir bin Haji Abdul Rani

Plenary Speaker

Tajuk Keynote : Rasulullah Guru Teladan Terunggul Sepanjang Zaman

Profesor Madya dalam bidang Kewangan Islam. Kelulusan Diploma Bahasa Arab dengan Pendidikan dari Kolej Ugama Sultan Zainal Abidin (KUSZA, 1995), Ijazah Sarjana Muda Kepujian dalam Pengajian Islam Syariah dan Minor

Linguistik dari UBD (2000), Ijazah Sarjana Ekonomi dan Perbankan Islam dari Universiti Yarmouk, Jordan (2003), dan Ijazah Doktor Falsafah Ekonomi dan Pentadbiran Muamalat dari Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM, 2010). Mula berkecimpung dalam bidang akademik pada tahun 2004 sebagai Tutor di Jabatan Syariah, Institut Pengajian Islam Sultan Haji Omar Ali Saifuddien (IPISHOAS), Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD). Pada tahun 2008, beliau telah diarahkan untuk berpindah ke Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali (UNISSA) dan dilantik sebagai Pensyarah.

Sewaktu menjawat jawatan tenaga akademik di universiti, beliau juga pernah 3. memegang beberapa jawatan pentadbiran penting seperti Penyelaras Program Lepas Ijazah, Timbalan Pengarah, Pengarah Pusat dan Dekan Fakulti. Bermula pada 23hb Mac 2024 sehingga sekarang, beliau telah diberi kepercayaan untuk menerajui Kolej Universiti Perguruan Ugama Seri Begawan (KUPU SB) dengan jawatan Ra’es. Dalam masa yang sama, beliau juga masih memegang beberapa jawatan profesional utama di Institusi Kewangan Islam tempatan, iaitu sebagai Pengerusi Badan Penasihat Syariah di Bank Islam Brunei Darussalam (BIBD) dan Pengerusi Badan Penasihat Syariah di BIBD At-Tamwil (BIBD ATW). Beliau sehingga ke hari ini aktif dijemput untuk berucap di hadapan khalayak ramai bagi menyampaikan syarahan umum, perbincangan meja bulat, menjadi fasilitator bengkel dan latihan, dan membentangkan kertas kerja di banyak seminar, persidangan dan sidang kemuncak di peringkat kebangsaan, serantau dan antarabangsa. Beberapa buah kertas kerja yang dibentangkan telah mendapat pengiktirafan antarabangsa apabila dinobatkan sebagai penerima Anugerah Kertas Terbaik (Best Paper Award). Beliau secara berterusan menerima jemputan dari luar negara sebagai Pembentang Jemputan Antarabangsa untuk menyampaikan Kertas Ucaptama dan menjadi Panel Forum Antarabangsa. Selain itu, beliau juga sangat aktif dalam aktiviti penulisan ilmiah, di mana kebanyakan karya beliau adalah berkaitan dengan bidang Ekonomi Islam, Kewangan Islam, Perbankan Islam, dan Syariah. Bidang yang diminatinya termasuk lah zakat, wakaf, kemiskinan, pengangguran, Bahasa Arab, ekonomi politik Islam, dan pendidikan. Sehingga kini, beliau telah menghasilkan lebih daripada 15 buah buku ilmiah sama ada sebagai penulis tunggal, ketua penulis, penulis bersama, atau ketua penyunting. Dalam tempoh tiga (3) tahun kebelakangan, beliau telah menghasilkan buku berjudul Transformasi Pemikiran Islam dan Praktik Teknologi Kecerdasan Buatan dalam Industri Kewangan Islam (Ketua Penulis, 2023), Digitalising Islamic Economics and Finance (Ketua Penyunting, 2022), dan buku berjudul Kamus Istilah Ekonomi 4. (Ketua Penyunting, 2021) yang istilahnya ditulis dalam tiga (3) bahasa; Bahasa Inggeris, Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Arab. Sebagai pengiktirafan terhadap karya tulisannya, beliau telah dilantik sehingga sekarang sebagai Ahli Lembaga Penyemak Jurnal Antarabangsa Perniagaan dan Ekonomi Islam (IJIBEC), Institut Islam Negeri (IAIN) Pekalongan, Indonesia, dan Ahli Tetap Lembaga Penyemak Perbankan Islam dan Kajian Kewangan (IBFR), University of Management and Technology (UMT), Lahore, Pakistan.

TDC 2024 Paper Presenters

Theme for Teachers’ Day Conference 2024: Building a Resilient Education Ecosystem

Dr Rosmawijah Jawawi

Senior Assistant Professor
SHBIE, Universiti Brunei Darussalam

Dr Vincent Andrew

Lead Facilitator
Brunei Darussalam Leadership and Teacher Academy

Dr Hj Sahrunizam Hj Kasah

Special Grade Education Officer
Maktab Duli Pengiran Muda Al-Muhtadee Biillah


The Teachers’ Day Conference is co-organized by:

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