TDW 2021 Paper Presenter 8

Teachers' Day Conference, Brunei Darussalam

Syazwina binti Haji Mahmod

Apprentice Teacher
Sekolah Menengah Sultan Sharif Ali

Syazwina binti Haji Mahmod recently completed her PhD in Education at UBD. Her main research interest was on Pre-vocational (PV) Programme in Brunei Darussalam’s secondary schools specifically in developing the PV students’ skills on daily independent living. She is currently working in a PV Programme in Sekolah Menengah Sultan Sharif Ali after being accepted to work as ‘Guru Perantis’ under Jabatan Pengurusan Pendidik early this year. She taught Functional Mathematics to diverse PV students with moderate to severe disabilities based on the research she did during her PhD course in UBD.



Strand: Curriculum

This qualitative study aimed to find out the Pre-Vocational (PV) Programme teachers’ perceptions with regards to the newly developed curriculum for daily living skills before and after its implementation. The ADDIE model (Analyse, Develop, Design, Implement and Evaluate) was used to develop the curriculum for daily living skills. The study also aimed to explore the extent of the PV teachers’ implementation using the curriculum. A total of eight PV teachers and 20 PV students with moderate to severe and profound disabilities (MSPD) participated in this study. The study used both interview and observation as its data collection methods. Findings from the interview showed positive responses from the PV teachers with regards to the curriculum for daily living skills. Observation findings on the other hand showed that, different teaching knowledge, skills and years of experience contributed to the different implementation approaches of the newly developed curriculum.

Pre-vocational Programme, Curriculum for Daily Living Skills, Students with Moderate to Severe and Profound Disabilities.